Buttered Snowball Cookies


°1 cup soft butter

°1/2 cup sugar powder

°1/4 teaspoon salt

°1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

°2 1/4 cup flour

°1 cup finely chopped pecan

°1 cup sugar powder for dust

*How to make Pecan Snowball cookies

Step 1: Equip the oven. Preheat it to 350 degrees.

Step 2: Grease butter and powdered sugar in a stand mixer. Set the mixer speed at a low level, then add salt, vanilla, flour and pecans.

Step 3: In one inch ball, roll the mixture and place the balls within a few inches of each other on paper-covered baking sheets. Place in the preheated oven and bake for about 11 minutes, making sure cookies are monitored so you don't overbake them.

Step 4: Remove cookies from the oven as they mature and let them cool slightly. Meanwhile, place a glass of powdered sugar in a large Ziploc bag or wide bowl. Gently cover about 3 to 4 cookies at a time. Apply cookies using a fork, and shake gently to remove any excess powder sugar. On cooling racks, transfer the cookies and allow them to cool completely before rolling them back into sugar powder

Enjoy !